Rachel Kimbrow

started Linda Letra Bilingual Books as an extension of her dedication to equity through literacy.  With twenty years of experience n both the US and Latin America including K-2 classroom teacher, K-6 ELD specialist and instructional coach, she has taught hundreds of multilingual students how to read, write, and live a life of literacy in any language. Rachel has shared tens of thousands of books with bilingual children during read alouds, as mentor texts, in small groups and conferencing with independent readers and writers. The best lesson plan includes rich text that promotes knowledge building and higher level thinking skills that positively impact assessment data. She has led numerous professional development sessions in strategies for language acquisition, family engagement, and best practices in teaching and bilingual literature.


Multilingual students need access to

Multilingual Literature

Our clients are bilingual programs, schools, and families looking for award-winning bilingual, Spanish, and English children's books. Texts in our catalog are award-winning, high-quality works that reflect diverse viewpoints, authentic Spanish, and literature from across the Americas and Spain. We champion authors, illustrators, and independent Latina-owned publishers. We source books from multiple publishers big and small to bring together the best bilingual books in curated collections ready to use at home in preschools, classrooms, and in all programs that value biliteracy and bilingualism and cultural relevance.


Partner with linda letra in


We are passionate about connecting bilingual programs, schools, and families to high-quality childrens literature. Linda Letra looks forward to supporting your program. We are a growing educator/woman-owned company and look forward to partnering through sharing our collections, collaborating for a custom project, and bringing beautiful books to students, teachers, classroom and families. (photo: Lisandra, bilingual educator / sales assistant at La Cosecha Conference)


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